With all the worry about security, etc. on the internet, we decided not to put maps to our house on the internet. Sorry.

Your not out of luck, though - just fill in the form below, and hit the
SUBMIT button, and we'll be glad to send you a map via email.

Your Name

Your email

Now, check all the boxes below that apply:

Who's house do you want a map for (Check all that apply):
    Mike's House
    John's House
    Ed & Joyce's House

What kind of map would you like? We have 2 versions available. A detailed version that is readable by Adobe Acrobat (a PDF file), or a link to MapBlast; an online map program that you can view with your browser.
Most people can read Acrobat files, and these will be the most detailed, but the online maps can be read by any browser.

So, what type of map would you like? (Not sure yet? Click on both!!)
    PDF Map (Needs Acrobat to read it)
    Send me a link to an online map

That's it! Now just hit the SUBMIT button below.


This page was last updated: Thursday, August 15, 2002
Any questions or comments, send 'em to the webmaster...